"Clearing the Air: G-Dragon's Recent Drug Test Results and the End of Hair Color Rumors"


There have been rumors swirling about G-Dragon and possible drug use, but the latest news sheds some light on the situation. His most recent test came back negative, providing some clarity on the issue.

On November 24, JTBC revealed that the National Forensic Service confirmed G-Dragon had not colored his hair, putting to rest the rumors surrounding his hair color.

Earlier, G-Dragon had already tested negative for drugs in his hair, nails, and toenails, along with comprehensive drug tests. However, the police wanted to double-check if G-Dragon had recently bleached or colored his hair, as there were concerns that this could affect the accuracy of drug testing.

Following this additional inquiry, which aimed to ensure the tests were accurate, the police have reportedly decided not to conduct any further testing on G-Dragon.

As it stands now, G-Dragon has tested negative for drugs in both hair and nails, as well as in preliminary reagent tests. Despite the police looking into the matter based on the statement of a female manager at a Seoul entertainment venue in Gangnam, no further evidence has come to light.

In summary, the recent drug test results provide reassurance, and it seems the concerns about G-Dragon's hair color and any potential issues with the testing process have been addressed.

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