Jin Received All He Deserved: A Birthday Overflowing with Special Gifts


"BTS's eldest member, Kim Seokjin, or Jin, celebrated his birthday on December 4, 2023, while serving in the military. This marked the first time his fans (BTS ARMY) celebrated his birthday without him, prompting them to organize numerous birthday projects to honor Jin, as they always have.

As we all know, Jin's love for the ARMY has remained unwavering over the decade. Before his enlistment, he recorded video messages for his fans to ensure they wouldn't feel alone during his absence. On his birthday, Bighit posted a celebration video of Jin cutting a cake and singing the birthday song, bringing joy to the ARMY. This video not only uplifted the spirits of the fans but also provided strength for them to endure until Jin's comeback. Despite his busy schedule in the military, Jin took the time to post a heartfelt message to his fans, expressing how much he misses them and eagerly awaits his return.

Jin's Birthday Letter:

"Hello, I'm Jin. Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday. I always enjoyed celebrating with ARMY during my birthday Lives, but unfortunately, I can't enjoy it this year, so it's heartbreaking. Even though you can't be with me physically, please know that you're celebrating with me in spirit. Hehe. It's already been a year since I joined the military. There's still a lot of time left, but I'm already excited about reuniting with you, even if it's only a third of the total time. Oh, and our members are going to join the army... (ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹aLOL. LOL. I'm going to cry. I hope that time passes quickly so I can have a good time with the members and the ARMYs. Thank you again for wishing me a happy birthday. I'll be back soon.

I'm currently Sergeant Kim Seok-jin after one more early promotion due to my outstanding military career. (Important)" (posted on - Weverse

Additionally, he mentioned that he received a very special gift from the military: a promotion to the next rank as a sergeant due to his outstanding military services.

Furthermore, as an artist, Jin received another significant present from the ARMY—his music video, 'The Astronaut,' now has 100 million views on YouTube, one year after its release.


Congratulations on your success, Jin. We have many more milestones to achieve, and let's fly even higher together!

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